Project Overview/Navigating the Site

This post will include the basics of my project including my goals, audience, blog structure and more. Additionally this page will briefly describe any major design choices for the project as it progresses.


Why Build a Discrete Computer?

I am a Computer Engineering student at University of Central Florida, and I have always been intrigued by the low level operations that constitutes a computer. The best way to truly understand such a complex system is to “get in there” and build the thing from the ground up. Throughout the project I will start from the lowest level concepts such as registers and program counters, then build up to more complex endeavors such as CPU and ALU logic, communication with peripherals such as a pixel display, and advanced coding to create useful applications. One of my eventual goals is to design a simple 8-bit game utilizing my computer.

A discrete computer essentially functions through the use of three components: transistors, resistors and capacitors. When bought in bulk these components are fairly cheap, and easy to obtain. This means I will not have to wait long wait times for all the components (with he exception of the eternal wait for printed PCBs). A few other peripheral components such as state LEDs, printed PCB boards, and external clocks will be utilized as well.

I was inspired by other projects such as Ben Eater’s breadboard computer that utilizes gated chips to build a computer, and James Newman’s Mega Processor computer. My architecture and PCB design style will be similar to a project done in Lev Kruglyak’s “From Transistors to Tetris” Youtube video.

James Newman’s Mega computer, a large scale computer made completely out of transistors
Lev Kruglyak’s “From Transistor to Tetris” computer

My Vision of this Blog

My biggest goal and reason for creating this blog is to document a timeline for my project, and give all the information and files needed for anyone that may want to replicate the project, or for those who are just interested in the process. In my extensive research for this project, I found that all the information was scattered randomly across the internet and in books but there was no central location where every concept was laid out in an informative and easy to read way. I want to make this blog a place where someone with very limited knowledge could start at the beginning and go through my posts learning as they go.

In addition to this blog being an informative site on the process, one of my biggest goals is to create a micro community for anyone interested to discuss ideas, or even share some of their own projects. I encourage any of my readers to comment on my posts, or contact me directly with any questions, concerns, suggestions, or even just to say hello.

Blog Structure, and How to Navigate the Website

The website will include a variety of different things, such as chronological updates on my projects, detailed posts on the underlying concept behind each part of the project, and insight into the design process itself. The following pages can be found on my home page:

Project Design Updates: For anyone interested in seeing the basic design of the computer as my project progresses I will update the “Project Design Updates” page with all design considerations and updates. The information on this page will be brief and surface levels but I will include links to more detailed posts and explanations.

Timeline : I will include a page that can be found on the main page known as “Timeline”. This is the location where I will post dated updates anytime I reach any major landmarks in my project. These events will include a brief description of the event, and any associated links to informative or design blog posts. Additionally each event will include images and any files used.

Blog Posts: Blog posts are the place where I will place detailed information on the design process, or the concepts behind each design. These posts are intended to give the reader a complete understanding of all the concepts that go into the design. Some posts will be structured like a lesson that outlines important topics, while some are more informal summaries of projects, updates, and plans. On each design I will include schematics and bill of material (cost) for each step. I will organize the posts into easy to understand categories (at the top of the Home page), so someone who only wants to read about the program counter does not need to flip through the physics of transistors and data registers to access the material.

Files: Although each post will include the appropriate files for each project such as schematics, and CAM PCB files I will also include an organized list of all the files in the files page. Each file will be free, and available for anyone that wants to replicate, or even improve upon the project.

I will write to this blog as much as possible aiming for at least one detailed post a week describing any new content, concepts, updates, or anything else to do with the projects. I encourage my readers to subscribe to the page to get updated on any post I make.